Uncontrolled Pests a Hidden Danger of Automation in FMCGs

As more and more FMCG businesses such as Amazon harness the power of robotics to automate their production, a hidden danger is lurking. With fewer workers onsite, pests can quickly get out of control, endangering the business from both a physical and reputational angle. Pests spread disease, chew through cables and damage machinery – plus they can leave a brand’s image in tatters!

It’s why savvy FMCGs are also automating their pest control using the latest technology. SMART Pest Control from Flick detects pests using data and traps them using non-toxic methods, providing 24/7 surveillance and peace of mind.

Automating Pest Control Detects Early Infestations

Whether it’s rodents, cockroaches or stored product insects, detecting a pest problem before it gets out of hand is the key to limiting business risk. It’s particularly crucial for food retail and production sites, which are vulnerable to attacks from rodents, cockroaches and store product insects.

Traditional pest control methods rely on a problem getting out of hand and being reported before action is taken, which is problematic given that the growing use of robotics in plants means fewer people are onsite.

Instead, SMART Pest Control is an intelligent system that uses remote digital monitoring and interconnected catch boxes that talk to each other. By combining automation and expertise for commercial enterprises, Flick can quickly get a wide-scale pest problem under control – and keep it under control.

24/7 Remote Monitoring From the SMART Hub

The system’s uses non-toxic methods to trap rodents, while the innovative sensors detect any new infestations, communicating the information back to the SMART Hub. Monitoring the boxes around the clock, Flick can build a picture of the situation and take further action if required.

For FMCG businesses which are subject to strict compliance standards, SMART Pest Control also streamlines the reporting process. Our live portal tracks all activity 24/7. The secure system saves time and money in the long term, with pest activity information available at a moment’s notice.

Established for over 100 years and servicing more than 1.2 million clients annually, Flick is Australia’s leading pest control and hygiene company. Contact us today and automate your FMCG’s pest control.

To learn more about SMART, call us on 1300 270 019.

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