Australia has an astounding 22,000 species of moths, with only around half of these given scientific names. With two pairs of wings coated in scales, large compound eyes and a coiled proboscis, the various species show great differences in terms of their size and appearance. Most cause no harm at all and many are useful for their role in silk-making and nutrition. However, the notorious webbing clothes moth and the case-making clothes moth can be terrible household pests and cause serious damage, requiring the attention of a highly qualified pest control technician. For a complete Moth solution in your workplace get SMART Sense installed. SMART Sense detects moths remotely and alerts us of any activity, protecting you from a potential infestation. Find out more when you download our Moth Fact Sheet!
Flick Home Protection makes protecting your family and home from pests easier than ever. Our effective and affordable pest control plans include exclusive 12 month warranty. Moths and Stored Product pests are included in our Gold Home Protection Plan. Find out more here.

Shield Your Family & Home Year Round from Moths
Flick's Home Protection Plans
Flick's Home Protection Plans provide effective and affordable protection for your home and family from a wide range of pests. Our Gold plan includes preventive measures to stop moths from entering your home in the first place, as well as reactive and emergency moth pest control services if needed. All plans come with a 12-month warranty* and easy monthly payments. With a variety of plans to choose from, you can find a plan that meets your specific needs and budget. Contact your local Flick branch to see if Home Protection is available in your area and begin shielding your family from moths today!
Commercial Pest Solutions
Integrated Pest Management Solutions
Our Integrated Pest Management program uses the latest technology focusing on prevention and addressing the root of the causes of pest problems to ensure a pest free environment for commercial workplaces and facilities. Our solutions are tailored to proactively prevent and help mitigate the impact and risk of a pest infestation. We combine tailored multi-faceted solutions with our latest digital pest technology supported by our highly regulated experienced team of technicians to bring you the best in pest control. Let us create a customised plan for your workplace today.
SMART Digital Pest Control
SMART Sense detects moths and cockroaches by sensing changes in temperature. The bugs are attracted by nontoxic pheromones and captured on a glue board. SMART Sense is a two-in-one trap that can be wall mounted for moths. It gives an early warning of infestation, and activity can be followed on our digital SMART data hub control centre.
Common Moth Questions
What are the general characteristics of moths?
Moths are insects with two pairs of wings coated in scales, large compound eyes and a coiled proboscis. The various species show great differences in terms of their size and appearance, while many moths are dull shades of grey or brown, there are some species in Australia with brilliant colours, sometimes with radiant, metallic shades. Most moths found indoors tend to be very small, with a wingspan of under 2 cm, and are coloured reddish brown, brown or grey.
What are the general habits of moths?
The diet, habits and behaviour of moths are as diverse as their appearance. Some moths are elegant pollinators of flowers, while others feed on stored foods. Moths often become food for many creatures including mammals, birds, reptiles, arachnids, other insects, amphibians and even certain varieties of plants. Most property owners come into contact with moths when they feast on food kept in the pantry or attack fabrics in their linen closets.
Why are moths considered pests?
Pest moths are known for being able to destroy wool, but common clothes moths (also known as webbing clothes moths) are actually drawn to a wide range of natural materials such as fur, silk, felt, feathers and hair. These moths are a shiny golden colour and about 2.5 to 5 cm long. By the time you become aware of the moths, it’s often too late.
Where do moths live?
The clothes moth species shun light and usually reside in dark areas like wardrobes, attics and basements, hiding between fabric folds or in forgotten corners. Adult moths don’t eat fabric – it’s actually the larvae. They love the keratin in natural materials and have the habit of devouring coats, sweaters, blankets, comforters, carpets, toys, pillows and decorations. They are less partial to synthetic fibres, although they do eat stained fabrics and blends.
What are the best ways to control moths?
Avoid keeping boxes of clothes in dark areas, and make sure containers are given a meticulous clean before they are used for storage. Seal all boxes firmly with tape and store the clothing inside plastic bags. Also ensure that all natural fibres and wool are clean before storage and wrap them with individual plastic sheets. Mothballs can discourage pests from devouring fabric, but the smell may mean dry cleaning is required.
Common Moth Species
Common Clothes Moth
The Common Clothes Moth is 5-8mm long. The adult moth is a beige colour with a small patch of light red hair on the head.
As larvae, moths are white caterpillars up to ½ inch long. They spin silken tubes of webbing as they move around on the surface of materials, and often feed within folds of fabric and other concealed areas. Threadbare spots occur where fibres are removed. Infested items should be laundered and discarded if necessary, and the primary source identified. Heat will kill any egg or larvae that are present. Insecticides applied to infested rugs and carpets may also be helpful, or spraying clothes with fabric-safe insecticide.
The Common Clothes Moth is a bothersome pest to humans as its main source of nourishment is from clothing. They love wool but are also happy to feed on other natural fibres, as well as other stored products. Once clothes have been attacked by clothes moths, they have a mesh-like appearance. They thrive in moist conditions but can also grow in low humidity. They are widespread across Australia. In nature they feed on the nesting materials or carcasses of birds and other animals.
Case-making Clothes Moth
The Case-making Cloths Moth is 7-10mm in length with a 10-14mm wingspan. They have 3 distinct dark spots on their wings.
The complete metamorphosis stage goes from egg to larva, to pupa, and finally to adult. The last adult stage will only last 4-6 days, while the pupa stage lasts 9-19 days. Overall, the lifespan of the case making clothes moth lasts for 2 months, but there are some records indicating some process can take up to 2 years. The case making clothes moth is 7-10mm in length, with a 10-14mm wingspan. They have distinct 3 dark spots on their wings, but some are indistinct making them hard to identify.
The case making cloth is a secondary pest moth that feeds on woollens, upholstered furniture, feathers, felts, clothes, and woollen carpets. This species is not as prevalent as the webbing clothes moth. The damage done to your furniture pieces is actually done during the larvae state, as adults don’t feed on furniture. They cause damage through their mouthparts, which suck on the fabric-based commodities.
I found Moths! Help!
Don't worry, we're here to help. Follow these steps to stay safe until help arrives!
Call a Professional
Call Flick Pest Control Immediately.
If you encounter moths in your home or business, you may be dealing with an infestation. Don’t wait until the problem gets out of hand – we can help protect your property and ensure the health and safety of those around you. Fill out the form below or call 1300 270 019 today.
Leave the Moths Alone
Trust Flick Pest Control to handle the situation
Our pest control technicians have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to effectively and safely eliminate pests from your home or business. Attempting to treat moths on your own can be risky and may not fully eradicate the problem.
We will and ensure a safe and effective outcome for your property.
There May be More!
Don’t Go Looking Around!
Flick’s pest control experts will perform a thorough inspection of the property to identify any areas where moths may be present, followed by the development of a treatment plan tailored to the specific needs of the situation. By implementing effective pest control strategies, we can help ensure a pest-free environment for you.