It starts with pest prevention
Prevention is one of the best ways to keep your home pest-free. Prevention is a way to safeguard your biggest asset, protecting the physical structure of your home, the possessions you have, and the health and safety of your family. While regular, preventative pest-control is an important component of prevention, it is only one of the steps you can take to help keep you house free from pests.
How the plan comes together!
Regular pest control is the cornerstone of any prevention plan, which is why we offer seasonal plans that homeowners can use to help keep their homes free from pests. Whether you want pest control treatment every season or the ease of an on-demand plan, knowing that you have an exterminator providing regular pest control can give you confidence that you are eliminating the pests you see and the ones that you cannot see.
Another important element in any pest-prevention plan is proper home maintenance. Pests enter homes through access points in a home’s exterior, and it is surprising how small an access point can be to offer entry to many pests. Bugs can get through barely detectable holes, and rodents can enter through spaces that appear much smaller than their bodies. That is why it is important to inspect and maintain your home on a regular basis by looking for any type of entryway that would allow pests to enter, such as holes in screens, cracks in siding, or spaces around wires or pipes that enter your home. In addition, check the condition of the wood in your home as rotting wood not only offers opportunities for entry for many pests but can also serve as a food source.
Speaking of food sources, the availability of food is another draw for many pests. Rodents notoriously love to steal pet food, so if you feed pets outside, you want to only feed them at certain times of day, pick up food bowls when not in use, and store their food securely. Likewise, loose pet food can attract rodents and other pests in a home, so make sure to store it securely. Any food that is available in a pantry can attract smaller pests, which will also congregate around dripping faucets and other sources of water. Limiting food sources can also be done by restricting where in your home you consume food or throw away garbage with food on it.
Keeping your home clean is another way to discourage pests. Pests don’t necessarily thrive in dirty conditions, especially if the dirt or clutter does not contain food, however, a messy home provides more hiding places for pests, making it difficult to exterminate fully. A messy home can also hide maintenance issues and can disguise early signs of pest infestation. Keeping your home clean eliminates those problems, making a pest infestation less likely.
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