A termite system is probably the best way to avoid termite damage, a serious problem considering that 1 in 3 properties in Australia will experience termite damage at some point in time. Many of these termite systems are included when the home is built and are installed underneath or within structures. As a result, many of them simply cannot be added to many homes after they have been fully constructed. However, if a home is being renovated, the renovations may expose the areas that are required to install the system. Including it in the renovations protects the overall value of your home and all of the improvements that you add during your home renovation.
There are a number of different termite control systems that can be used in construction projects. Choosing the right one depends on several factors including the composition of the house, the size of the construction project, and the budget.

Flick uses several different termite management systems to discourage termite infestation in buildings. They include TermGuard, FlickGuard, and Granitguard. Which system is right for you depends on the extent of the renovation project, which is why it is a great idea to consult with Flick about a termite management system at the start of a renovation project.

TermGuard is a pipe system that is designed to provide a barrier against subterranean termite entry. These pipes are designed to deliver termite management agents (insecticides) under and around a building in places where are not accessible after construction. This reduces the risk of exposure to termiticides, while still ensuring consistent prevention.

FlickGuard is Flick’s own termite treatment system. It uses the effective termiticide deltamethrin inside of plastic that can be cut and joined to meet the size and shape of construction.

The Granitguard termite management system works in a different way than some of the other termite management systems because it focuses on sealing up entry points. Granitguard is a graded stone sealant system that fills in cavities in the building. This keeps termites from getting access into the building. Granitguard has two components: Blockaid-Termi, which is a pre-construction termite sealant and Blockaid-Aqua, an acrylic waterproofing treatment.

The Kordon Termite System is another barrier system. It is a physical laminate, which provides a barrier that helps prevent termites from finding an entry point into the home. However, it is more than just a physical barrier; it is also a chemical one.

Not all termite management systems can be incorporated into a home during the renovation process. However, if your renovations open up the opportunity for a termite management system, installing one is a great way to protect your new construction. Contact Flick to find out if your renovation project offers you the ability to incorporate a termite management system in your home.

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