As a Flick Constant Home Protection customer, you’re currently protected from pests around the clock, with annual visits and year round protection.
Relax and enjoy the summer!
Watch Out For Our ‘Pest of the Month’ The Mosquito
Summer is peak time for mozzies in Australia. Particularly active at dawn and dusk, they’re not just an annoyance. Mosquitoes can transmit serious diseases like Dengue and Ross River fever. Stay alert…
5 Ways to Nix Mosquitoes
1. Remove stagnant water where mosquitoes breed
2. If dining outside, set up a mosquito net or tent
3. Light some citronella oil candles
4. Buy a bug zapper
5. If problems persist – call Flick! Our experts will spray the area
Get SMART Pest Control for Your Business
What happens in your business while you’re away? Flick’s SMART Pest Control is an intelligent system which monitors for rodents and other pests, trapping them in non-toxic boxes. Join the next generation of pest control.