While pest control is important in any setting where there will be lots of people, it is particularly important in primary schools. Schools have pests year-round. While it is possible to control some of the things that attract pests, the younger the students, the more difficult prevention can be. Students drop things, they eat at the school, and they go in and out of buildings. They also inadvertently bring pests from home. Lunch kits, backpacks, coats, and even the children themselves can serve as transportation to bring pests into the facility.

Why primary school pest control is a serious problem

Administrators also have to worry about kids being exposed to pests. Pests are more than just a nuisance. They can also serve as a vector for diseases. A school with a pest problem can quickly become a school with a health and wellness problem. Stopping pests in their tracks is one way to reduce the spread of disease and infection.

Of course, primary school poses another problem, as well. You have to be extra concerned about the safety of pest control products. Children who are young enough for primary school are also young enough to do things like accidentally ingest poisons and baits. You want a way to exterminate the pests without endangering the students.

The SMART solution to primary school pest control

Flick’s SMART system offers the pest control solution that you need. It is a 24/7 active monitoring system. The monitoring stations report pest activity to us. We can then respond to that activity by locating our traps in areas where we see the activity. It provides a faster solution to your pest problems. Plus, our SMART traps use local foods as bait and a poison-free solution to your primary school pest control problem. You do not have to worry about cross-contamination or accidental ingestion.

We also comply with all applicable regulations, laws, and rules about pest control. We work with your school’s safety officer, as well. The health and safety of your students is your top priority, and we make it our top priority, as well.

SMART is a proactive approach, not a reactive approach. We recommend it for all schools, not just ones currently experiencing a pest problem. That is because SMART lets you detect pest activity before it would be normally detectable. Early detection means preventing infestations and exterminating pests before they can get established. Early detection protects your students, your educators, and your school’s reputation.

Ready to get a real solution for your primary school pest control? Call Flick for an evaluation and quote today.

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