Pest control for government institutions

pest control for government

Flick is the leader in safe and effective pest control for local governments, council chambers and other government institutions. We take care of any pest infestation or problems affecting your areas with minimal disruption to you.

Our professionally trained pest technicians provide safe and effective treatments. We offer a selection of pest solutions to suit your community and workplace, to keep your staff and visitors safe from pests.

Call 1300 270 019 immediately to speak to an expert for more information.

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Why government institutions need pest control

Members of the public expect their services to be clean and pest free. Common areas, such as parks, gardens, libraries and parking lots attract vermin. People litter and sometimes feed birds, which further attract rodents and other pests.

Rodents can be a persistent problem needing an ongoing plan. Birds also need safe deterrents to stop roosting around train stations and other common facilities. Call 1300 270 019. Speak to our experts and book a pest inspection.

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Libraries are at risk of pest infestation

Which government facilities are most at risk of pest infestation?

Pests, especially rodents, breed in areas with food and shelter. That means most areas where people congregate.

Birds are another common pest. They roost on window sills, gutters and beams. They also like to nest under solar panels, leaving dropping which can carry diseases and look dirty. Places that can be problems for birds and rodents include-

  • Train stations
  • Childcare facilities
  • Parking lots
  • Bus shelters
  • Parks and gardens
  • Libraries
  • Playgrounds
  • Community Halls

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Keep birds away with safe, effective deterrents

We can tailor a safe bird deterrent for your area. Larger areas, such as playgrounds may need netting. Beams may require a wire running across the top to stop birds from roosting. Blunt spikes running along window sills also effectively keep birds away.

Whatever your structure, we’ll find a safe and effective solution.

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SMART Digital Pest Control targets pests before they become a problem

Stay ahead of rodents and other pests with SMART Digital Pest Control

Physically monitoring your facilities for signs of pests is time consuming. Flick has developed SMART Digital Pest Control that works in conjunction with your pest control strategy.

Traditional pest control monitors for signs of rodents and pests after the damage is done.

SMART Digital Pest Control is different. Sensors detect activity in real-time. Rodent and pest activity is recorded live, and our technicians can respond proactively and discreetly. Safe baits can be placed where activity is highest. So, you can respond with real-time statistics based on number and frequency.

Treatment and traps more targeted with SMART data, reducing time spent on guess work and managing pests in an environmentally sensitive way. Additionally, SMART negates the needs for poison, eliminating the possibility of second-hand poisoning, protecting native wildlife, your staff and visitors.

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Why Get Professional Pest Control

Why government facilities choose SMART Digital Pest Control

Investing in SMART saves you time, money and is good for the environment. Children and pets are safe. Instead of reacting to an infestation, SMART government facilities are a step ahead. SMART technology puts you in control.

  • Reporting data is live.
  • Traps are non-toxic and discreet.
  • Hard to reach and hidden places are detected and monitored.
  • Data is collected, monitored and saved remotely.

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Pest Control for House of Representatives

How does Flick SMART Digital Pest Control work?

Our technicians visit your area to inspect, assess and identify the risk zones. We then use this information to create a tailored action plan. Sensors and traps are strategically placed onsite to detect infestations and efficiently deal with pests. These SMART units report back in real-time to our SMART data hub.

We find that technology combined with traditional practices keeps rodent numbers and pests under control, protecting your staff, visitors and properties.

Our Flick technicians will continue to regularly inspect, empty and relocate traps when needed. Armed with SMART data analysis, we provide you with essential information to take action against pests and prevent infestations.

Create a tailored treatment plan that protects your property, staff and visitors. Call 1300 270 019 and get your property inspected by a professional.

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Book us for an inspection today and safeguard your business!